Internacional, Noticias




In front of the extractivist blindness of the authorities of Latin America and especially of Chile, which has led them to hold in our country the «Investing in Latam Mining» Summit, an event that brings together the main mining investors and ministers of the region, To make feasible projects in our countries; The undersigned organizations and communities declare:

  1. We repudiate events promoted by the Ministry of Mining and the transnational mining guild that operates in Chile, which only seek to continue exploiting our territories, to consume and to contaminate the little water they have left us – so scarce that it barely reaches to ensure our life and of the ecosystems we inhabit -, further stress the energy matrix with insane projects such as Punilla or Alto Maipo and criminally polluting as thermoelectricity, in addition to tearing the social fabric as it happens in all localities where mining is imposed.
  2. It is not necessary to make summits to see how to treat the communities so that their projects could be possible, we need to just leave our peaks quiet, stop massacring the sources of our waters, stop desecrating our sacred spaces, stop serving the continent on a tray to the mining banquet. The chemical long scale mining will no longer have in our soils social license to operate.
  3. The government of Chile has been signing a series of trade agreements to shield the mining business, and in an absolutely irresponsible manner President Bachelet has imposed to sign 12 Free Trade Agreements, without consultation of citizens and only months after fulfilling her mandate. This summit is a fatal corollary of these efforts. Chile can not continue to be the battlehorse of the transnational mining companies on the continent, because we already know that the progress they bring is blind, short-term and suicidal, and the experience of seeing our soil destroyed daily and with impunity, must serve to this madness to stop, not to deepen it.
  4. For years we have been suffering from the impacts of mining and mining culture that comes with it: death, pollution, corruption, Human Rights violations, consumerism, destruction of families, drugs, prostitution… nothing to be proud of. We are told that we are a mining country, but we say we are a mined country. Having a soil rich in minerals is a blessing and a huge responsibility, not a pretext to pass over us. If we have delayed in understanding it as a society, now it is time to take charge.
  5. The Summit «Investing Latam Mining» is not welcome from the territories that suffer the mining or its threat. That is why we call for this July 11 at 12:00 a.m. in the outskirts of the Sheraton hotel in Santiago to show our repudiation against this culture of death and once again claim our collective commitment to life.

We live other forms of development, we demand that they be respected and we invite more wills to make them possible!

Undersigned by:


Agrupación Defensa y Conservación Maule Mataquito – Chile

Agrupación de Pequeños Regantes y no Regantes del Río Mostazal, Chile
Antimafia Chile
Asamblea Agua y Soberanía de Puente Alto, Chile
Asamblea por el Agua del Guasco Alto, Chile
Bloque Andino por el Agua y los Territorios, Chile
Centro de Estudios Sociales de Chiloé, Chile
Colectivo Aire Puro, Chile
Colectivo de Geografía Crítica, Gladis Armijo, Chile
Colectivo Efímero, Chile
Colectivo La Savia, Chile
Colectivo Quillahuaira, Chile
Colectivo Viento Sur, Chile
Comisión Justicia y Paz – Aysén, Chile
Comisión Privada para el Desarrollo de Aysén, Chile
Comité de Defensa y Recuperación del Cobre, Chile
Comité por el Agua de Villa Alemana, Chile
Comunidad Ecuménica Martin Luther King, Chile
Comunidades por la defensa de la Vida , Chile
Congreso de los Pueblos, Chile
Consejo Ecológico de Molina, Chile
Coordinadora Nacional Indianista (CONACIN) , Chile
Coordinadora Río Loa, Chile

CHADENATUR Chañaral, Chile

Defendamos El Salar, Chile
Ecoceanos, Chile
Editorial Quimantú, Chile
Escuela de Escalada Newen, Chile
Fundación Constituyente XXI, Chile
Fundación Habitar, Chile
Fundación Tantí, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Marcha Mundial de Mujeres – Chile

Movimiento Cultural Aconcagua, Chile
Movimiento por el Agua y los Territorios – MAT, Chile
Movimiento Socioambiental de Ventanas
Observatorio de Conflictos Mineros en América Latina – OCMAL, Chile
Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales – OLCA, Chile
Oficina de Justicia Paz e Integridad de la Creación de la Sociedad Misionera de San Columbano, Chile


ONG Chile Cobre, Chile

Organización GeoAustral, Chile
Plataforma Chile Mejor sin TLC, Chile
Radio Placeres, Chile
Raíces de Aconcagua, Chile
Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas RAP-Chile
Red de Socioambiental por la Defensa de Panguipulli, Chile
Red Ecológica de Chile
Red por la Defensa de la Precordillera, Chile
Unidos Contra EL Asbesto, Chile
Urracas Emaús, Chile
Valles en Movimiento, Limarí, Chile

Organizaciones de Latinoamérica

Asamblea «Argentina mejor sin TLC», Argentina
ATTAC, Argentina
CENSAT Agua Viva, Colombia
Centro de Investigación sobre Inversión y Comercio CEICOM, El Salvador
Centro Hondureño de Promoción para el Desarrollo Comunitario CEHPRODEC, Honduras
Centro Humboldt, Nicaragua
Colectivo Casa, Bolivia
Colectivo Voces Ecológicas COVEC, Panamá
Comité Ambiental en Defensa de la Vida Ibague, Colombia

Comité Ambiental de Cajamarca, Colombia

Comité ecológico de Pijao, Colombia
Comité Socio ambiental juvenil de Cajamarca COSAJUCA, Colombia
CHADENATUR Chañaral Chile

Escuela de pensamiento circulo de Fuego y Unidad, Colombia

Fundación Ecuménica para el Desarrollo y la Paz FEDEPAZ, Perú
Grufides, Perú

Justiça nos Trilhos, Brasil

Observatorio Petrolero Sur, Argentina
Red de Comités Ambientales de Tolima, Colombia
Red Nacional en Defensa de la Madre Tierra RENAMAT, Bolivia
Uruguay Libre de Megaminería, Uruguay
Yasunidos, Ecuador

Acción Ecológica, Ecuador




Alberto Acosta, Economista – Ecuador

Cristóbal Montesinos, Valparaíso – Chile
Patricio López, Periodista – Santiago – Chile
Richard Pincheira, Chillán – Chile
Soledad Acuña Délano, Chile